Why Wendover?
We have 100+ telemarketers making over 2 million phone calls per year into 160 markets in the US, Canada, and Europe.
Every lead that we provide is confirmed twice, no more than 5 days before you receive the list. Our confirming calls last over 8 minutes, so we know they are moving!
We guarantee an unmatched 80% accuracy rate. That means 80% of the companies on your list will relocate their offices within 18 months, or we will credit your account for the difference.
We guarantee that we have the highest average lead size. We find the companies with the most employees making the biggest moves.
We get the vital information you need, including email address, phone number, employee size, and even current phone system. Most importantly, we identify the decision-maker, so you can build a relationship with the best contact.
Wendover has a Market Exclusivity Rule, which means we will sell our leads to no more than 5 of your competitors in any market. You are not only limiting the competition; you are getting the opportunity to make the competition irrelevant.
We only include commercial offices on our lists. We don’t include retail, restaurants, gas stations, hair salons, or funeral homes, because they are not your prime target.
We teach our customers the best practices and methods for working their leads, and we offer unlimited support.
Wendover created the model for commercial relocation leads. We were the first on the scene, and we are still the leader today.
We Coach You Until You Close The Deal!
At Wendover, our job isn’t done when we hand over your leads list. We take the time to learn about your business and coach your sales team on the best way to approach prospects, set appointments, and close deals. Because we’re salespeople ourselves, we understand your day-to-day struggles; we’re always on hand to help you overcome sales challenges and celebrate victories!
Contact us for a quote!